Business / Commercial Loans
These are loans given members who deal in business (Trade).
We give from UGX 100,000 up to UGX 100 Million depending on capacity and what the member is financing.
Agriculture loans
These are loans provided to our members in the agricultural sector ranging from Production, Processing and marketing.
We give from UGX 100,000 up to UGX 100 Million depending on capacity and what the member is financing.
Asset Acquisition Loans
This loan facility is given to those who wish acquire themselves assets like land, Motor vehicles, and other Assets.
We give from UGX 100,000 up to UGX 100 Million depending on capacity and what the member is financing.
Boda Boda loans
This product is aimed to curb down unemployment among the youth by giving them boda bodas for business to improve their incomes.
Agriculture loans
These are loans provided to our members in the agricultural sector ranging from Production, Processing and marketing.
We give from UGX 100,000 up to UGX 100 Million depending on capacity and what the member is financing.
Group Loans
This facility is given to those organized members who form groups aiming at achieving a common goal.
Water Tank Loans
Due to the high demand for water and the climate change experienced in Uganda evidenced by prolonged drought, we came up with this kind of loan facility to avail to our members clean water for both domestic and commercial uses.
Wash Loans
These are loans given to people who intend to improve on the sanitation at their homesteads like construction of modern Toilets and Drainage channels.
Solar Loans
We give these loans to our members for purposes of lighting their home, cooking, irrigation and other issues solar energy can address.
Home Development loans
Emergency loans
These loans are given to our members who have got emergent needs and a member with another loan can qualify for an emergency loan when need arises.
Solar Loans
We give these loans to our members for purposes of lighting their home, cooking, irrigation and other issues solar energy can address.